Celebrating a Day of Birth
Today is a very special day. Today, March 15, is the birth of my blog. Those of you who know me know that this has been a long time coming. Though every writer feels the guilt of the wasted minute
before her that could have been used to finally accomplish a goal, I feel that there is no better day than today for a birthday. So, though I have dragged my feet for many months, I am today celebrating.
There are so many thing I have to celebrate in my life every day. Though I will soon be celebrating the day of my own birth, and subsequently entering the "other side" of my 20s, I feel that to be where I am in life at this age is one of the most amazing gifts. I am feeling particularly blessed to be surrounded by friends and mentors at The Michigan Reading Association conference this weekend. Just an hour ago, I was sitting, mesmerized, listening to Penny Kittle instilling all the wisdom 90 minutes allows. It has been what can only be described as a gift to listen to Troy Hicks, R.J. Palacio, and Jeff Anderson all in one unbelievable day. See why I'm celebrating??
So here's to Book Groupie Blog. (Book Groupie was already take)
Here's to being a book groupie, a learning groupie, and a groupie of all the amazing people I am surrounded by today, and every day.
What is a book groupie you ask??
Some people get excited for the Oscar or Grammy's. A book groupie gets excited for The Newbery announcement or any other Tuesday a book they have not so patiently awaiting comes out. Some people get excited to spot Hollywood movie stars. A book groupie gets excited and screams out the car window at Louise Borden's doppelganger who happened to be outside their hotel (true story). A book groupie feels the wide range of emotions certain books can evoke in you on a daily basis, so much so that their spouse gets concerned about mood swings. A book groupie know, cares, and loves the people who understand what these and many others feel like.
So, today I am Celebrating being at MRA (#MRA14), having a supportive PLN that helped me get where I am today, and BOOK GOUPIES! (You know who you are ;)
Thanks for stopping by!